Tauren Wells' Known Among Slew of Growing Number of Unbiblical Christian Songs

by Greg Cooper Originally posted on 8/15/2018 “I’m fully known and loved by you; You won’t let go no matter what I do , sings Christian artist Tauren Wells in his latest popular song, Known . Tauren Wells Peaking at #12 in the August 2018 Billboard charts , the song follows a questionably themed 2017 hit Reckless Love by Cory Asbury, which placed in three notable #1 spots in three categories within the Christian genre on Billboard charts last year. That song describes God’s love as just that — reckless, a word strictly used as a dire negative in the Bible (it literally means, ‘without concern’). Asbury defends its use by saying, “When I use the phrase, ‘the reckless love of God,’ I’m not saying that God Himself is reckless. I am, however, saying that the way He loves is, in many regards, quite so.” His word choices in one interview make this statement even more questionable. He suggested that...