For Christians, TV Viewing Habits and Halloween Participation May Go Hand-in-Hand

By Greg Cooper Today, it is reported that over three-quarters of professing Christians celebrate Halloween ( Source ). Of the 323 million people living in the United States, the vast majority identify themselves as being Christian ( Source ). This means that there are literally millions of professing believers actively participating in and endorsing Halloween, the day on which Satanists, witches, and occultists prefer to sacrifice animals and children to the devil ( Source ). Could this also be linked to what Christians are ingesting through television and movies? Christians Swayed By Media? Christians may in fact be more easily swayed to accept Halloween, with all its evils, by what they watch. It is a sad fact that there are believers today who have immersed themselves in the entertainment media culture which surrounds us. Instead of heeding God’s warning to “come out of them [temples of idolatry] and being separate,” as the Bible urg...